Every $1 you give delivers $20 worth of life-saving food

Your donation will be multiplied to deliver 20 times that amount in life-saving food to feed needy children!


Too hungry to smile

Father Elie Nyandwi recalls the first time he met Vianny.

“I greeted him, but he did not answer,” Fr. Elie says. Quiet and withdrawn, Vianny was so hungry, he couldn’t muster the energy to smile.

In rural Butambala, Uganda, where Vianny lives, many families are struggling to meet basic needs, including getting enough food to feed their children. A rise in HIV/AIDS has also left thousands of children orphaned and homeless.

But Vianny is one of the fortunate ones…

From hunger to hope

Fr. Elie is the director of the Don Bosco Children and Life Mission (Don Bosco CALM) orphanage and the Don Bosco Primary School in Namugongo, Uganda.

The programs serve more than 400 children, like Vianny, who have struggled with poverty, abandonment, homelessness and HIV-related illnesses.

Salesian Missions partners with organizations like Rise Against Hunger, an international relief organization, so children don’t have to worry about meals. Each year, Rise Against Hunger donates tons of nutritious, fortified meals to Salesian-run programs in some of the world’s poorest communities, which are helping children grow healthy and strong.

Almost 102,000 Rise Against Hunger meals were served in the 4th quarter of 2019 at Don Bosco CALM and the Don Bosco Nursery and Primary Schools in Namugongo, Uganda.

Today, we invite you to be part of our mission to provide critical nutrition to children in Uganda and around the globe...

Help deliver life-saving meals—your impact multiplies 20X!

Thanks to our partnerships, every $1 you give will be multiplied to provide 20 times the amount of food. Help provide critical nutrition to children around the globe with your generous gift today.

“He is the first one to come and greet me everywhere he finds me. His gorgeous smile reveals his internal joy caused by being loved, well-fed and having many of his basic needs met. And he is always among the five best performing pupils in his class.”

—Fr. Elie, describing what Vianny is like now

Help deliver 20X the amount of life-saving meals now!

Your generosity will help hungry children receive at least one meal each day. Often, it’s the only meal they’ll eat. Please consider what amount you can give that will be multiplied to deliver 20X the amount of food!

Give now


"As proud members of the Salesian family, we strongly support the Salesian Missions. The Salesians' continual, successful stewardship of fostering faith, education and love worldwide is unparalleled. We consider ourselves blessed and acknowledge our part in missionary work by gladly giving financial support to this ongoing endeavor."

Robert & Valerie P.

"Don Bosco teaches us first of all to not stand idly by, but to put ourselves in the vanguard by offering young people an integral educational experience which, firmly based on the religious dimension, affects the mind, the emotions and the whole person, always considered as someone created and loved by God."

Pope Francis

"'What will matter is not your memories, but the memories that live in those who love you. What will matter is how long you will be remembered by whom and for what.' These words by Michael Josephson resonate with me and why I support the good works of Salesian Missions. My children are all set, but I need to help those less fortuate. It has to come from your soul and Salesian Missions allows me to give with my heart and soul to make a difference."

John J.